Protect yourself and your employees from Flu this year


InHouseDoctor can provide cost effective Flu vaccinations AT YOUR WORKPLACE, whether you are a large or small company. Effective protection against the Flu virus is proven to reduce absenteeism thereby increasing profitability, whilst also reducing the risk of disruption to your organization.

What makes us different from other providers is that we will provide a DOCTOR on site when the vaccinations are administered, ensuring the best possible safety for your employees. There may also be a Nurse in attendance to assist with the vaccinations if numbers require it.

Many people think Flu is a mild trivial illness, but those who have had it, will testify how serious it is and can be. In fact last winter, according to BBC sources*, 602 people died from Flu related conditions with the majority (over 70%) being in the 15 - 64 year age group (Health Protection Agency Figures)

Please contact us by email or by filling out this form, if you require further information and we will be more than happy to assist you and advise you on the best way forward

For more information about Flu and our service click here

